...it depends on what you want to do and how long you are here for.
It took me years to convince Joao, we do not need a car in Lisbon and we can also take public transport. Now, he gets his monthly transport pass before I get mine! Portuguese drive and drive and drive. That's in their blood! Of course it is more convenient and it is easy if you know your way around more the less.
The truth is for the touristic parts - unless you want to explore off the beaten path and further away where no train, bus or tour guide will take you easily, you will be better off without a car. Save your car rental money and spend it on a tour guide instead. Parking in Lisbon can be expensive and is also limited on the streets. There is different zones for pricing and duration of permissible parking. There is also dedicated residents parking that are off limits and car parks can be completely full and add to your bill.
If you are coming by car, you should know that Lisbon has five tariffs with different lengths of parking. These areas are colour coded and you can look any of the areas up on the official parking page.
Our apartments are so central they are in the red zone and border the brown zone as well as many residential parking areas (pink colour coding).
LD Ferragial/Corpo Santo LD Mouraria LD Chiado Atalaia
With the Via Verde app you can pay motorway fees. This is worthwhile if you are planning to drive to the Algarve, Porto, Evora, where it is a longer distance. Fees also apply to Sintra or crossing Avril 25 bridge (on the way to Lisbon), though are small and can be paid by card instead.
For all these apps the number plate of the car needs to be registered. And in case you thought these are all apps, there will be more and you can typically see the required ones to get discounts disclosed in parking garages. These are the ones we are using when in Lisbon and renting a car. They should cover most situations. Happy apping ... driving!
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